Monday 7 October 2013

3 News with the Matthews


A call was extended to Wiremu on Fathers Day to be Bishop of the Otumoetai Ward here in Tauranga. For my non lds friends, part of Wiremu's overall responsibility is to oversee the temporal and spiritual needs of the members in his congregation. So yes our family will be busy for however long Heavenly Father will have him in this position.

News #2 - NEW PEPI

Our Incredible Matthews whanau has extended now to 4, with the long awaited arrival of Asher Maxwell Wiremu Matthews who was supposed to be here May 16th but ten decided to wait 2 weeks and 4 days to arrive on Queens Bday June 3. Ash is my white boy with light eyes, its still early day's though. It's said that there eyes change at 6 months, or when they hit toddler age. Jeeper's im not going to believe anyone because no one really knows. Im sure he will keep his light eyes.


After 9 months of eating CRAP and NO exercising while carrying Asher i decided to get myself back on track and to seriously think about my health and to be an example to my family. So i set myself up to do a 12 week CLEAN EATING challenge to where my kids and husband decided to join on the wagon with me. Am i enjoying it?? well with unexpected deaths in the family which means the house is full again with whanau and i must say it wasn't very pleasing to see the foods we don't normally eat back in our cupboards again. For some it's hard to change the way you eat because you have been brought up on it for however many years. I needed to make some changes, because i missed 'ME'. I am looking forward to seeing some changes with my husband and kids in our health AGAIN. We have as a family done challenges for ourselves individually but most of the time we all jump on the CHALLENGE wagon together. I am thankful that we live in a place where we are surrounded by food under and on top of the earth as well as some chickens,
this is what we call REAL FOOD.

Monday 12 March 2012

Hopefully Lesson Learnt

So, it has been a rather bumpy ride in our home of trying to 'EAT CLEAN' and 'TRAIN MEAN' -  Training is no problem but good thing Wiremu is on top of it and helps and encourages us to stick to what we buy and cook.
Over the past 3-6 months me and the kids have been on the road to 'EATING CLEAN' and ensuring that we do what we preach. Wiremu has been doing the eating clean for a while before i jumped on the wagon. He is the MAN when it comes to doing something he knows will benefit himself and his family and will help us be healthier, stronger and "hopefully" a good role model to our community and our people.
I'm sure most of us out there have a sweet tooth, surely who doesn't! Every Sunday night after our meal i always treat our family to a desert of there choice, which i try to make as healthy as possible. Lately, i've been making this Gooey Choc Pud with the Whittakers 72% dark choc or more only, and 2T of white flour / almond flour like this - does it make us sick at the end of it?? HELL YEAH! lol.

 I think that by small changes anything is possible. Eating Clean is definately one that has challenged us so much in our home these last few months, but it has paid off slowly. We are not perfect at it, but are striving to the fullest actually our pantry is literally empty with only 2 shelves out 5 that has actually got something on it like this.
our fridge with just vegetables
our PACKED as pantry
I seem to enjoy playing with fire (meaning, playing with foods that i know is not good) like bread or wheat, once i put it in my mouth i get sick to my gutts that i get headaches, i feel bloated and unclean.  I know now that some of the FOOD we consume is the reason for why most of us get sick. Yes hard to believe and so many people out there will think differently, that's all good everyone has there own opinions. All i know now that whatever we have been doing is changing us mentally and physically, photo's to come.

Monday 30 January 2012

We have our HOUSE back!

What an EVENTFUL last few weeks with my coool family from Dunedin. I had my Mum and the oldest Grandchild (my niece, Tila) here with us while the kids were on School Hols and then my second oldest brother who the kids call 'Uncle Funny' up here as well with his son Jackson.
The Bro and his special kids lol.

It was AWESOME catching up with them, mocking one another, eating CRAP for a whole entire WEEK and now FEELING SICK after eating food that my body just can't handle - OH WELL, now i know what my body likes and DISLIKES!.
We are now heading into our first week of School, so Lia and Lakoneus are now back tommorow and i'm soooooo HAPPY cos now my house will be CLEAN and not MESSY with these 2 monkey's at home trashing it.
So we finally have our house back to normal, kids back into routine both sleep times and FOOD - WISE, having Nana here they got away with ALOT of junk food because myself and Wiremu aren't here, we are at work all day so don't know what's happening at home.
It all feels so strange without one less baby in our household though, it's so quiet, i don't need to get a bottle ready, or lay down with her when she is asleep, see her BIG SMILE and BIG HUGS everyday after work it's ACTUALLY HARDER than i thought. I won't say much otherwise i might burst out in tears.
Last cuddles til end of March
For the 8 years we have been married the longest we have been without our kids has been 1 week! When Cumorah left us with her Nanny on Saturday, it felt like she was just going to be away for a night, BUT then the next day Sunday everyone in our home - YES including Wiremu were all in tear's for Cumorah. We huddled as a family and cried for AGGGGGGEEEEES. I have never seen my husband cry AT ALL and it wasn't just a tear, my top was wet from his tears.
We won't see her for another 7 weeks before we head off to America for 2 weeks with Wiremu's Parents and his brothers & their wives.
This is our first and will most likely be our last that we will let our kids go for that long ever again, unless one of us is with them.
So there you have it, a good few weeks with the family and looking forward to the next blog about RESULTS.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Window of Opportunities

So we are hitting into Blog #2 and i must say that after my first blog, i kept reading over what i had done over and over again - I was EXCITED, and was looking forward to my next entry.

The title of this post is just what it say's 'The Window of Opportunities' this is just one of our many opportunities that we as a family, are now able to tick off our list. Every evening after having our scriptures and prayers with the kids and then sending them off to bed, i come into the dining room to see my husband back at work again. I wonder sometimes to myself,

'How does he feel on a day to day basis working extremely hard to provide for his family and then working more on our business? what does the pressure feel like if there is any'?

As wive's and mother's we to work hard to tend to and care for our family when they need us most to, wipe their snotty noses, clean their stink bums, wash, cook, and clean. 

With our husband's / partners their minds are thinking, hands are dirty and blistering, backs are aching, clothes are dirty and or sweaty all to provide for a future for there family. I feel as though my honey does MORE than i do.
When he's not working he's doing THIS! Lol
Back in the days, One of our goals was to open up our own private personal training studio. I'm one to freak out about HUGE idea's like that but Wiremu is just the Go-Getter when it comes to making BIG and MEAN decisions for ANYTHING. The guy is just so focused on what he want's to achieve that he will do ANYTHING to achieve it and you know what? HE GETS IT. We now are the owners of FITPRO The LifeChanging Clinic, and it is changing our clients lives for the best. 
There have been people who have just happened to be there at the right place at the right time to helping us get to what we have set our minds to. 

While we were still in "HUGE GOAL" mode, Wiremu recieved an email from an ex MAX College graduate who also is a Fitness Professional (who studied at the same College where Wiremu did), got him in to discuss what Wiremu's plan's were and what he wanted to achieve. 
This AWESOME guy Royal Bryan also owned his own Private Studio (see pics below) with EVERYTHING in it that Wiremu had on his plan from colour to equipment to the professional feel and so on, it absolutely was what we were looking for. Royal had other plans for his family and needed to sell up his studio and so this is where we came into the picture. So we are in the process of having this lovely studio being signed over to us this week and once that's done we will add abit of our own flavour to the studio, but that's another project in itself coming soon.
The Matthews journey is starting to roll REALLY GOOD and can't wait to see many more doors open for our little family in the future. 


Room 1 - Currently

Room 2 - Currently
Liahona & Lakoneus - Our future Fitness FitPro LifeChangers
One thing i have learnt from this experiance is 'If you work hard and stay focused you will get what you have always put your mind to and to NEVER be afraid to open your mouth'.
Overall always find opportunities to talk to as many people as you can, because you just never know what window may just be opened for you in the future.

Thursday 5 January 2012


- Maori / Island Styles -

WELCOME to our crazy, happy, active, and fun-loving family. 
Being a 'Brand Spanking New Year' this is going to be the year for our little family and the exciting adventures and journey which await for us and ready to take 'em DOWN.
We are a family of 5 who enjoys EVERYTHING that life has on offer. We're all about doing the following;


I was inspired by my sister in-law Candice who kept a weekly blog for her family, it's because of her i have taken the opportunity to do the same for our wee crew.
When we had our first daughter (She's now 6 acts like she's 15) we kept a family journal and wrote in it EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY.  
As the years passed 2 more kids had hit the pad, i was on "crazy lady post baby disater alert" that lovely Family Journal we had was becoming more like a once a month, once every 3 months, once a year or whenever something AWESOME, ACHIEVABLE, and EXCITING was happening we would write about it.
YES! Sad but very, very TRUE.

We're not so FLASH with the camera either we brought one but hardly ever used it. We take it to special occasions and never got it out, even though we have posers in our little family
we still don't seem to get LOTS of photo's of us - Well that's a lie, cos the kids are in all the 
photo's except for their parents, Me and Wiremu.

 We're Getting There!

Thanks to technology we have cool phones that take MEAN as pictures for us, with our help of course! Thanks to Santa, he has given my family a new IMAC, well for me it's a MASSIVE upgrade from my budget as MacBook 2000 and something styles, which did NOT allow me to do cool as stuff on it to what i can NOW - I'm having the MEANEST time on it.

Sooooo because of my desires to see this blog happen for our wee crew, i can now throw pics up, write about our journey as a family as we tackle on the future ahead of us and let you in on a few things that we have in store for those who wish to be nosey.

Santa's Gift to Us

Enjoy Peoples.